Gungan Style

Gungan Style was a Gungan dance that Jar Jar Binks, Junior Representative of the Chommell sector, was known for performing at the time of the Clone Wars. The dance consisted of a few basic moves, making it look like the performer was riding an invisible mount, alternately holding the reins and spinning a lasso, before moving into a leg-shuffling side gallop.

This dance was seen in a September 14, 2012 update to Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures, and is a parody of the dance featured in the videoclip of "Gangnam Style," a song by South Korean performer PSY.

Behind the scenes

This dance was seen in a September 14, 2012 update to Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures, and is a parody of the dance featured in the videoclip of "Gangnam Style," a song by South Korean performer PSY.



