Gusha was a green-furred, red-eyed Lepi whose name translated from Huttese to Galactic Basic Standard as "Lucky." As the owner and bartender of the Gusha's Luck cantina in the planet Tatooine's spaceport city of Mos Eisley, Gusha was on-duty in 137 ABY when the bounty hunter Cade Skywalker and his co-pilot Jariah Syn were seated at the bar.
After Syn left, Gusha poured two Corellian ales for the Imperial agent Gunn Yage and Skywalker, followed by two glasses of Merenzane Gold. Yage spiked Skywalker's glass with a tranquilizer to briefly knock Skywalker unconscious and disorient him, then claimed to Gusha that Skywalker drank too much. She told Gusha to keep the change to "buy the missus a little something" before she took her prey elsewhere. When Syn returned shortly thereafter, Gusha told the co-pilot of the events that had transpired in his absence. The bartender wore a dirty white shirt with brown shoulderpads and brown pants.
Gusha appeared in the thirty-eighth issue of the Star Wars: Legacy comic-book series, written by John Ostrander, illustrated by Jan Duursema, and published by Dark Horse Comics on July 29, 2009. A glossary included in the issue's letters section indicates that the Huttese word "gusha" translates to "lucky" in Basic, meaning that the name of Gusha's cantina could be called "Lucky's Luck."
Gusha appeared in the thirty-eighth issue of the Star Wars: Legacy comic-book series, written by John Ostrander, illustrated by Jan Duursema, and published by Dark Horse Comics on July 29, 2009. A glossary included in the issue's letters section indicates that the Huttese word "gusha" translates to "lucky" in Basic, meaning that the name of Gusha's cantina could be called "Lucky's Luck."