Hall of Assembly

However, the Hall of Assembly was destroyed in 40 BBY by blackguard soldiers secretly operating under the orders of the Pijali Princess Fanry and the royal guard captain Deren, as the princess hoped to stop the signing of the Governance Treaty initiative that would form the Assembly and render the Pijali monarchy relatively powerless. Afterward, security cameras showed how nanotech was used to erode the Hall of Assembly from within, and a recording of the attack was provided to Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, while the pair investigated the recent upheavals on Pijal.


The Hall of Assembly was located on the Inner Rim planet Pijal. The traditionally styled, spherical structure featured a framework of mirrored surfaces intended to appear nearly invisible until brightly illuminated by Pijal's setting sun each evening. The building was equipped with security cameras. Though the Hall of Assembly had been nearing completion by 40 BBY, it was destroyed in that year, with its mirrors having dissolved.


The Hall of Assembly commenced construction on Pijal at some point between 48 BBY and 40 BBY to serve as the headquarters for Pijal's proposed new representative government, the Assembly. As the Pijali Princess Fanry's coronation neared in 40 BBY, Pijal's lord regent Rael Averross began working with the Czerka Corporation on the Governance Treaty initiative, which would render the reigning Pijali monarchy into a relatively powerless constitutional monarchy in favor of ceding power to the Assembly.

The Hall of Assembly was intended to serve as headquarters for Pijal's Assembly following its formation.

The Hall of Assembly was intended to serve as headquarters for Pijal's Assembly following its formation.

Pijali blackguard soldiers secretly operating under the orders of the royal guard captain Deren and Fanry—who wished to avoid signing the treaty and retain power as ruler—used nanotech to dissolve the mirrors forming the Hall of Assembly's framework, with each panel turning cloudy, then gray, then crumbling to dust. The attack on the building was one of many in a campaign to sow unrest in the Pijal system before the proposed Governance Treaty signing. Though many Pijali were confused about what had happened in the aftermath of the event, security camera footage from the structure later showed how nanotech had eroded the building from within.

The incident was blamed on the Opposition—a political performance troupe known for protesting the Governance Treaty—and Deren kept a recording of the event stored. Some days later, Deren gave the Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, the holographic recording of the Hall of Assembly's destruction while they were investigating several recent upheavals on Pijal. Eventually, following Fanry's unsuccessful attempt to crown herself queen during her violent coronation, the Opposition was cleared of blame for the attack on the Hall of Assembly and other incidents.

Behind the scenes

The Hall of Assembly appeared in a hologram in Master & Apprentice, a 2019 novel written by Claudia Gray.






