

Handa, a Cathar male, was sensitive to the Force and was trained as a Jedi during the final years of the Republic Dark Age. During the New Sith Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Sith, Handa ascended to the rank of Jedi Master and trained multiple Jedi as his Padawans. The Cathar tutored the Humans Githany and Kiel Charny simultaneously. During Handa's tenure as their Master, he would warn the two against giving into their emotions and forming a romantic attachment toward each other, which violated the tenets of the Jedi Code. When Githany's mind built up psychiatric barriers that prevented her from using the Force—due to her inability to cope with the vastness of the Force—Handa helped his Padawan regain her connection to it.

Two of Handa's Padawans, Kiel Charny and Githany, both died during the Ruusan campaign.

Two of Handa's Padawans, Kiel Charny and Githany, both died during the Ruusan campaign.

Eventually, Handa learned that Githany and Charny had begun a romance with each other. Angered, the Cathar Jedi Master forbade the two from continuing their relationship. Because of Handa's reaction toward them, Githany abandoned the Jedi Order and join the Brotherhood of Darkness, led by Dark Lord of the Sith Skere Kaan. Charny remained with the Jedi and served as a general in Jedi Lord Hoth's Army of Light during the Ruusan campaign. Both of Handa's former Padawans died during the conflict on the planet Ruusan: Charny was slain by Githany, who was in turn killed when Kaan activated a thought bomb during the war's final battle, which obliterated the Brotherhood and most of Hoth's Jedi forces.

Personality and traits

Handa was careful to remind his students about giving into their emotions. Upon discovering Charny's and Githany's romance, the Cather Jedi was angered and forbade the two from continuing it.

Powers and abilities

Handa was sensitive to the Force and was capable enough to ascend to the rank of Jedi Master.

Behind the scenes

Handa was mentioned in the 2006 novel Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, written by Drew Karpyshyn. He garnered an entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, released in 2008.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia






