The theatrical release of Star Wars in 1977 had a huge impact on the young Hans Jenssen. Born in Denmark, he traveled to the United Kingdorm with his Dutch mother and Norwegian father as a baby and has been based there ever since. A professional illustrator for more than two decades, Hans combines his artistic skills with his lifelong interest in Star Wars to create realistic depictions of the interiors and workings of the saga's amazing spacecraft and vehicles.
Hans Jenssen studied graphic design at college and specialized in technical illustration. He decided to specialize in cutaway (cross-sectional) illustrations, and has worked on a wide range of projects, from advertising work for shipping and aerospace companies to DK's Star Wars: Incredible Cross-Sections.
The theatrical release of Star Wars in 1977 had a huge impact on the young Hans Jenssen. Born in Denmark, he traveled to the United Kingdorm with his Dutch mother and Norwegian father as a baby and has been based there ever since. A professional illustrator for more than two decades, Hans combines his artistic skills with his lifelong interest in Star Wars to create realistic depictions of the interiors and workings of the saga's amazing spacecraft and vehicles.
Hans Jenssen studied graphic design at college and specialized in technical illustration. He decided to specialize in cutaway (cross-sectional) illustrations, and has worked on a wide range of projects, from advertising work for shipping and aerospace companies to DK's Star Wars: Incredible Cross-Sections.