
The Hewett were a non-humanoid, sentient species from the Hewett system. In 34 BBY, an official banquet was held for Hewett senators, at which Konkeel pie was served on the menu. The pie was toxic to humanoids, and the Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn almost ate some before his contemporary Adi Gallia stopped him.

Biology and appearance

The Hewett were a sentient species of non-humanoids. Some elements of their diet, such as Konkeel pie, were highly toxic to humanoids, of which several were known to have died after consuming it.


The Hewett hailed from the Hewett system, in the Mid Rim.

The Hewett hailed from the Hewett system, in the Mid Rim.

The Hewett were native to the Hewett system in the Mid Rim sector of the same name. In 34 BBY, an official banquet was held for Hewett senators, which the Jedi Masters Qui-Gon Jinn and Adi Gallia attended. The menu included the dessert Konkeel pie, and Jinn almost ate some of the food before Gallia stopped him, pointing out the dangers. The toxicity of the pie was brought to the attention of the Hewett senators, who then arranged for the item to be removed from the menu and apologized to the Jedi. The next year, Jinn related the incident to his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, insisting that Gallia had saved his life.

Behind the scenes

The Hewett were created by Ryder Windham and were mentioned in his adventure book Episode I Adventures 4: Jedi Emergency, which was published by Scholastic in 1999.



