Between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, a hunt for Valance was carried out by the Imperial Special Forces unit Inferno Squad to hunt the cyborg Beilert Valance, who had previously served in the Galactic Empire but had gone rogue after he learned that his former lover, Yuralla Vega, had been killed by the Empire. The purpose of the mission was for Inferno Squad, who had been specifically requested for the mission by the Sith Lord Darth Vader, to prevent the Rebel Alliance from potentially learning about classified Imperial information that Valance may have recorded previously by hunting him down and wiping his memory. During the hunt, Inferno Squad ambushed Valance and the crew of the bounty hunter T'onga, who were assisting Valance after they had rescued him on Bestine, at the black-market spaceport Depatar and succeeded in wiping his memories.