Imperial Detention Center


The Detention Center is a vertical building built along the outcropping cliffs of the planet. There is no way that connects the main entrance to the outside world, except from a .

Inside, two main elevators traverse the height of the building: one serves the low-security levels down to the command center (zero, two, four and five); the other goes up from the command center to the high-security blocks (five, three and one), which are controlled from inside.

Some parts of the facility were accessible by entering a combination of letters from the Atrisian script to . Other sections were closed by Force fields. Corners around the facility were trapped with I.M. mines.

For some reason, stashes of supplies were hidden behind false walls.


Symbol of the zero level.

Symbol of the zero level.

The first level of the facility included the shuttle carrier platform just outside the main gates. Behind them where several elevators and control rooms before the proper prison block. An underground shaft connected to the high-security elevator shaft led to the garbage compactor infested by some Dianogas.

Symbol of the first high-security level.

Symbol of the first high-security level.

The first level was accessible only via the high-security elevator. A large guarded hall, with an adjacent control room where had strategic meetings, led to the most important cellblock of the facility where Crix Madine was held; doors opened by the means of a . A maintainance door led to the sewer.

Symbol of the second level.

Symbol of the second level.

The second level included only one cell, accessible through a code lock, the Officer of the level being responsible for its , colored blue.

Symbol of the third high-security level.

Symbol of the third high-security level.

The third level, accessible via the high-security elevator, had two elevated cells, accessible via walkways; right under the walkways was a dark area trapped with mines. Again, the cells opened from a code lock, and Imperial Officers carried their .

Symbol of the fourth level.

Symbol of the fourth level.

The fourth level contained a cellblock of six cells; the cellblock was behind a hall blocked by a Force field. The Force field could be turned off temporarily either from a lever in a control room, or a corresponding level in a maintainance shaft over the other side.

Symbol of the fifth level.

Symbol of the fifth level.

The fifth level included the command center, and it was the only place accessed by both elevators. It included several halls, blocked by Force fields, and the prisoner execution chamber; beyond that was a room housing the red keycard accessing the maintainance room behind the elevator shaft.


Crix Madine as a prisoner in a first high-security level cell of the Detention Center.

Crix Madine as a prisoner in a first high-security level cell of the Detention Center.

Imperial defector Crix Madine was arrested on board the Arc Hammer by Rom Mohc, and immediately taken to Orinackra. He was held in the second level awaiting execution. Earlier he had provided the Alliance information concerning the Dark Trooper project.

Rebel Alliance agent Kyle Katarn rescued from the prison during the Galactic Civil War.







