The Imperial Encampment, also known as the Imperial Military Base, was a sizable Imperial installation on Naboo's swamp moon of Rori during the time of the Galactic Civil War.
Located some distance south of the city of Narmle, the Imperial Encampment was a fortified Imperial stronghold. It consisted of a large main building, three smaller outpost buildings, and multiple watch towers. It was staffed by a couple All Terrain Scout Transports and many stormtroopers and Imperial officers. Some of the more specialized troopers staffing the base included stormtrooper snipers and dark troopers.
Sometime following the Battle of Yavin, an Imperial major in Narmle attempted to trick members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic to visit this base, under the pretense of peace negotiations. In fact, he had ordered the stormtroopers to shoot and kill any visitors.
In 1 ABY, the Imperial Encampment had become a contested hotspot in the Galactic Civil War and Imperial and Rebel forces fought several times for the control of the base. Rebel forces managed to capture the camp several times but Imperial forces had always taken it back. Around the same time, a spacer managed to infiltrate the Imperial Encampment and stole a piece of stormtrooper armor.
The Imperial Encampment was a location in the 2003 massively multiplayer online roleplaying game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, prior to the game's closure on December 15, 2011. Players who visited the encampment were awarded with an exploration badge. With the release of the "Publish 1" update on August 3, 2003, the Imperial Encampment was turned into a "Factional NPC Base". Groups of Rebel players could attack Imperial NPCs and achieve several objectives to take control of the base.
- Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided Quick Reference Guide
- Star Wars Galaxies: The Total Experience: Prima Official Game Guide
- Star Wars Galaxies: The Complete Guide: Prima Official Game Guide