Imperial Holovision

Imperial Holovision was an Imperial-run news media outlet on the Outer Rim world of Lothal. During the insurgency of the Spectres, Imperial Holovision reported on their attack on Imperial interrogator droids, using propaganda to suggest that the rebels had actually destroyed Timely Tutor education droids.

This media outlet first appeared in the Star Wars Legends roleplaying supplement Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim, published by West End Games in 1993. In Legends continuity, it was spelled Imperial Holoision.

Behind the scenes

This media outlet first appeared in the Star Wars Legends roleplaying supplement Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim, published by West End Games in 1993. In Legends continuity, it was spelled Imperial Holoision.


  • Sabine My Rebel Sketchbook
