The Imperial Survey Corps (ISC), also known as the Survey and Exploration Corps, was an branch of the Galactic Empire's military whose duty was the exploration of the galaxy. During the Age of the Empire, one of the Survey Corps' main goals was to map the farthest reaches of Wild Space, and update hyperspace data.
The Imperial Survey Corps was the successor to a Galactic Republic organization founded during the Clone Wars. Upon the formation of the Empire, the Survey Corps offered many members of the Civilian Astrogation Corps military commissions, only to have most reject the offer owing to Imperial stipulations regarding all information on the Unknown Regions be considered a state secret.
The Cerean Kidi Aleri served as a signals analyst within the corps before deserting to the Alliance to Restore the Republic. During the Galactic Civil War between the Empire and the Alliance, Aleri hoped that her former colleagues in the corps would be granted pardons after the war was over. While participating in Operation Yellow Moon alongside Rebel leader Princess Leia Organa, Aleri argued bitterly with the Dressellian commando Lokmarcha on the subject, as he believed that all Imperials, including the Survey Corps staff, should be imprisoned or executed after the fall of the Empire.
In the current Star Wars canon, the Imperial Survey Corps was first mentioned in Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure, 1 2015 novel written by Jason Fry and Cecil Castellucci. The Imperial Survey Corps originated in Star Wars Legends where it was introduced by Greg Gorden in the Imperial Sourcebook, a supplement released in 1989 for the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.
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