Industrial glow rod

The glow rod emitted a high-intensity beam of light that could reach up to fifty meters. The intensity of the light could be adjusted by a twist dial located on the handle of the glow rod. An eight-section light shield surrounded the illumination module, and it could be used to create a directional spotlight. The shield could also be retracted to created an omni-directional light. Tint filters could be moved into position so the light could be projected in a range of colors, including red, green, blue, and yellow.

The industrial glow rod could be stood upright on a sliding platform, allowing it to serve as a path marker or to illuminate a specific area while stationary. Input ports on the glow rod allowed it to be connected to a datapad or comlink, permitting an individual to control the device remotely. The control computer could program the glow rod to rotate or flash in sequence, making it useful for marking landing strips or to send messages in code. The industrial glow rod was powered by eight power cells and could provide up to fifty hours of operation before needing to be recharged. Hooking the glow rod up to a power generator allowed the light to operate indefinitely.


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