Infiltrator demolition droid

Infiltrator demolition droids, also known as just infiltrator droids or infiltrators, were a model of transforming droids created by the Confederacy of Independent Systems in 21 BBY.


A demolition droid disguised as a sweeper droid

A demolition droid disguised as a sweeper droid

Infiltrator demolition droids, also known as just infiltrator droids or infiltrators, were a type of demolition droid created in at least two models. A green model possessed a featuring vertical head with two photoreceptors while in combat mode, while an orange model possessed a horizontal head had three photoreceptors while in combat mode. The middle photoreceptor could also be used as a holoprojector.

During the opening infiltration and "high security infiltration" phases of their missions, infiltrator demolition droids would disguise themselves as common sweeper droids, which were recognized by Republic officers. Once these phases were completed and the droids had infiltrated their target, they would transform into another mode, which was heavily armed and armored. The final of the droid's modes was when two of the droids would combine into a bomb to destroy their intended target.


When Count Dooku ordered General Grievous to destroy a critical central power distribution grid during the Clone Wars, Grievous turned to his engineers and oversaw their efforts to create a new model of demolition droid, which they chose to design in such a manner that the droids could disguise themselves as a regularly seen model of sweeper droid. In the end, six covert infiltrator demolition droids were created for use in the mission.

Dooku's impetus was to thwart the peace initiative and the efforts of peace-minded senators in both the Republic Senate and Separatist Parliament, as well as to ensure the warmongering Republic financial reform bill that would deregulate the InterGalactic Banking Clan, which both sides relied on. Grievous sent the six demolition droids, disguised as cleaning droids, to Coruscant. As the Senate debated the deregulation of the Banking Clan, the droids infiltrated and destroyed a critical power generator hub, plunging a section of the ecumenopolis into chaotic darkness. The immediate fear that resulted pushed the bills of banking deregulation into law.


  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle!






