InstaMist Generator


The InstaMist Generator was a cylindrical fire suppression device produced by the company Agrierd Intergalactics. The mist generator was simple in design, expelling the contents of a high pressure cartridge when pressure was applied to a handle at the end of the device. The cartridge, which required replacement after each use, normally generated a fire-extinguishing mist that settled into a foam capable of smothering flames. They could also be used to create a smog thick enough to conceal the user, which could be used to cover an escape.


The technology supply company Galladinium Galactic Exports sold the generators through their product datalog between the Battle of Yavin and the Battle of Hoth during the Galactic Civil War fought by the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The devices were 15 credits each, with replacement cartridges priced at 10 credits. The item was frequently available in large cities and spaceports. On some desert worlds, moisture farmers used InstaMist Generators equipped with water vapor cartridges to simulate the reactions necessary to extract water from rock veins.

Behind the scenes

The InstaMist Generator was included in a list of equipment and pictured in Galladinium's Fantastic Technology, a sourcebook released in April 1995 by West End Games for the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. It was designed by Michael Kogge for The Fantastic Technology Contest, and the entry received an honorable mention.


  • Galladinium's Fantastic Technology
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • Keeping the Peace
