Interstellar Parcel Service

The Interstellar Parcel Service first appeared in Tod C. Parkhill's non-canonical comic "Best Birthday Ever," which was released in June of 2003 as part of Star Wars Tales 16. The megacorporation would later receive its own entry in the The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, published in December of 2008. The entry made the existence of IPS canon with respect to the Star Wars Legends continuity.

At some point, a birthday present for the Hutt crime lord, Jabba Desilijic Tiure, was shipped through the IPS in Mos Eisley spaceport on the Outer Rim planet of Tatooine. One of Jabba's lieutenants, the Twi'lek Bib Fortuna, was accompanied by the Kowakian monkey-lizard Salacious Crumb when he visited the IPS to retrieve the present. However, upon arriving at the IPS, Fortuna and Crumb learned that the present was sent to the Oversized Package Redistribution Center located on Mos Eisley's Dune Street.

Behind the scenes

The Interstellar Parcel Service first appeared in Tod C. Parkhill's non-canonical comic "Best Birthday Ever," which was released in June of 2003 as part of Star Wars Tales 16. The megacorporation would later receive its own entry in the The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, published in December of 2008. The entry made the existence of IPS canon with respect to the Star Wars Legends continuity.

"Best Birthday Ever"

Interstellar Parcel Service facility in Mos Eisley

Interstellar Parcel Service facility in Mos Eisley

At some point, a birthday present for the Hutt crime lord, Jabba Desilijic Tiure, was shipped through the IPS in Mos Eisley spaceport on the Outer Rim planet of Tatooine. One of Jabba's lieutenants, the Twi'lek Bib Fortuna, was accompanied by the Kowakian monkey-lizard Salacious Crumb when he visited the IPS to retrieve the present. However, upon arriving at the IPS, Fortuna and Crumb learned that the present was sent to the Oversized Package Redistribution Center located on Mos Eisley's Dune Street.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia



