Interstellar Strike Force

The Interstellar Strike Force was a mercenary organization run by members of the Adnerem species. The Adnerem who ran it were all sterisi, members of the same steris, the name given to an Adnerem family unit. The Adnerem would manage the organization and hired highly skilled members of other species to act as the soldiers.

The Interstellar Strike Force was first mentioned in Star Wars Adventure Journal 11 as part of the Alien Encounters article series in the Adnerem species entry. The source book was published by West End Games in 1996 as a supplement for their Star Wars Roleplaying game.

Behind the scenes

The Interstellar Strike Force was first mentioned in Star Wars Adventure Journal 11 as part of the Alien Encounters article series in the Adnerem species entry. The source book was published by West End Games in 1996 as a supplement for their Star Wars Roleplaying game.

