It was formed seven hundred years before the Galactic Civil War by consolidating various military orders, including the Kilandran Royal Forces, the Lurathi Guard, and the Jengardin Millennial Warriors. They handled all the civic duties in the Iotran Territories, including disaster relief, law enforcement, fire fighting, and emergency medical services. All Iotrans were required to serve in the force, giving them a large reserve of highly trained personnel available for use.
They were also hired out to corporations and other governments as a source of income for the Iotrans. The force would patrol other systems and took any infractions to local law as serious as offenses in the Iotran Territories.
- Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies
- Pirates & Privateers
- Secrets of the Sisar Run
- Coruscant and the Core Worlds
- Ultimate Alien Anthology
- The Essential Guide to Warfare