
In around 20 BBY, Academy headmaster Lanius Qel-Bertuk asked her to deliver datacards to some famous heroes of Cularin he needed to summon. She felt very nervous, but thrilled, at her important mission, both because it was given by the headmaster himself, and because she was familiar with the fame of the people she was to meet. She also felt a disturbance in the Force around the same time.

Janiah distributed the datacards and returned to Almas in a shuttle.

As Janiah is not essential for the plot, the Gamemaster's notes in A Mon Alone say that she can be ignored if not needed, or she can be given a twin if needed.

Behind the scenes

As Janiah is not essential for the plot, the Gamemaster's notes in A Mon Alone say that she can be ignored if not needed, or she can be given a twin if needed.



