Janton Belos

Janton Belos was first mentioned as an unnamed Sith Lord in Child of Light, a Star Wars Legends roleplaying adventure written by Lee Pickler and published by RPGA in 2000 as the opening instalment of the Child of Light saga. He was subsequently mentioned in the third Child of Light saga adventure, Light and Dark, in 2002, which identified his name. Neither adventure specifies Belos' species.

Behind the scenes

Janton Belos was first mentioned as an unnamed Sith Lord in Child of Light, a Star Wars Legends roleplaying adventure written by Lee Pickler and published by RPGA in 2000 as the opening instalment of the Child of Light saga. He was subsequently mentioned in the third Child of Light saga adventure, Light and Dark, in 2002, which identified his name. Neither adventure specifies Belos' species.






