Jerjerrod (admiral)

Jerjerrod was a Human male admiral serving in the Navy of the Galactic Republic. Coming from a well-to-do family, Jerjerrod was an ally of Republic Supreme Chancellor Palpatine; this association provided the admiral's family with many connections. Jerjerrod filed multiple reports with Naval Command that cited personal concerns with the Navy's procurement procedures of the time; when the contents of these documents were leaked to the media, the admiral was summoned to testify before the Senate Naval Subcommittee's Procurement Panel. Jerjerrod defended the position before Senators Gopple and V'troren and denied responsiblity, implying it was another dissatisfied member of the military, who had revealed the contents of the admiral's reports to the public.


Hailing from a wealthy family on the Core World of Tinnel IV, Jerjerrod was a Human male who served as an admiral in the Galactic Republic's Navy. An ally of Palpatine, the Republic's Supreme Chancellor, Jerjerrod's family benefited from the connections presented by the alliance with the Chancellor.

Tiaan Jerjerrod, Admiral Jerjerrod's grandson

Tiaan Jerjerrod, Admiral Jerjerrod's grandson

Jerjerrod became concerned with the Navy's procurement policies, knowing that every piece of equipment in use—from starships to weapons—was the result of a compromise between the Galactic Senate and various commercial interests, and that much of the gear used by the Republic's enemies had likely been stolen from the military. The admiral filed several reports regarding the matter with superiors and colleagues within Naval Command; many of the reports were subsequently leaked to the media. Believed to be responsible for the leaks, Jerjerrod was summoned to appear before the Procurement Panel of the Senate Naval Subcommittee.

The admiral was questioned by Senator Gopple of the planet Erigorm and Senator V'troren, both members of the Procurement Panel. Gopple accused Jerjerrod of attempting to weaken the Republic's faith in the Navy, but the admiral maintained that the appropriate measures had been taken in filing the reports, rejecting responsibility for the leak. V'troren was not convinced, believing the admiral to be the only one with the motivation required to release the reports to the media. Jerjerrod responded by hinting that there were many dissatisfied soldiers within the military who would wish to have the admiral's reports made public. Tiaan Jerjerrod, future Imperial Moff and commander of the second Death Star, was Jerjerrod's grandson.

Personality and traits

Jerjerrod was noted as being fiery and resolute, traits that the admiral's grandson, Tiaan, would not possess. The admiral was particularly concerned with the Republic Navy's procurement policies, which prompted Jerjerrod to write several reports to Naval Command on the subject. When the contents of these documents were leaked to the public, and when the admiral was summoned before the Naval Subcommittee's Procurement Panel, Jerjerrod denied responsibility for the leak, instead suggesting that the admiral's point of view was shared by many members of the military and that any one of them could be responsible for the breach.

Behind the scenes

The character of Jerjerrod first appeared in "Admiral Jerjerrod's Testimony," a brief questions-and-answers session between Jerjerrod and two senators written by Greg Gorden that is presented as a segment of an in-universe record in the 1989 first edition of the Imperial Sourcebook.




