Jerne system

Between 0 ABY and 3 ABY, the Rebels Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa traveled to the system in search of an artifact, known as the Eternity Crystal, that they believed to be located on Jerne. Skywalker and Organa encountered several Imperial TIE fighters there, which caused the pair's starship to crash on the planet's surface. After discovering that, in reality, the crystal did not exist, the Rebels left Jerne via a stolen Imperial scout ship.

The Jerne system first appeared in the comic story "Dark Knight's Devilry," which was written by Steve Moore, illustrated by Alan Davis, and first published in the The Empire Strikes Back Monthly 153 in January 1982. It was first named by the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas, authored by Jason Fry and Daniel Wallace, which placed it in grid square N-4.

Behind the scenes

The Jerne system first appeared in the comic story "Dark Knight's Devilry," which was written by Steve Moore, illustrated by Alan Davis, and first published in the The Empire Strikes Back Monthly 153 in January 1982. It was first named by the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas, authored by Jason Fry and Daniel Wallace, which placed it in grid square N-4.







