The Concord Dawn Protectors were a militia of Mandalorian lawmen that were known and feared throughout the Mandalorian sector. The Journeyman Protectors notably used the Fang-class starfighter, and were flown by the best pilots in the sector resulting in the Fang-class becoming a common sight in the Concord Dawn system and across Mandalorian space. Most of the impressive starfighters were sold to the Concord Dawn Protectorate, but a small handful that made their way away from the Protectors were acquired by the Black Sun crime syndicate and resold. Galactic Republic Clone Marshal Commander CC-1138 was one of the few clone troopers who trained with a former Journeyman, which for some explained his reputation as a loner.
During the Clone Wars, Fenn Rau led Skull Squadron and fought for the Galactic Republic. Leaving Mandalore for the third moon of Concord Dawn during the Galactic Empire's occupation of Mandalore, however, Skull Squadron operated out of the Protectors Camp on the third moon and established an alliance with the Empire. However, the intervention of the growing rebellion's Phoenix Cell, most importantly Mandalorian rebel Sabine Wren, resulted in the capture of Rau and the protectors allowing the rebellion to pass through their space. In response, the Imperial Super Commandos of Clan Saxon arrived on the third moon and slaughtered the protectors. Rau himself then allied with the rebellion and joined the brewing civil war against Clan Saxon and the Empire.
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