Jreely Toomb

After the Eternal Empire conquest in 3636 BBY Blizz returned to Hoth and started leading his own salvage crew of Jawas from Tatooine. He eventually accepted Jreely into his crew and despite forgiving him for the past betrayal still did not hold a high opinion of him. Around 3631 BBY Blizz and his crew, along with Jreely, were recruited by The Commander into the Anti-Zakuul alliance.

Jreely regretted his past misdeeds towards Blizz and warned the Commander to be a right kind of friend to Blizz or else he would "make holes" in the Commander. Later on, Jreely sought to steal the power core from Lana Beniko's message box and attempted to enlist the Commander's help in his plan.

Though Jreely Toomb is mentioned by Blizz several times during the Bounty Hunter class story in Star Wars: The Old Republic, he did not make an actual appearance until the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion.

Behind the scenes

Though Jreely Toomb is mentioned by Blizz several times during the Bounty Hunter class story in Star Wars: The Old Republic, he did not make an actual appearance until the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion.






