
Junktown, more informally known as the junk town, and later as the Tusken Village, was a small village just outside of Mos Eisley on the planet Tatooine. It was originally a place for junk dealers to conduct business, before it was taken over by the planet's native Tusken Raiders. Bantha Moving and Storage, a front company for a spice smuggling organization, used this location to hide their activities. Sometime following 0 BBY, a young smuggler sent by Radeld Siwar traveled to the junk town and stole spice samples and recipes from the company's hiding places.


The Tusken junk town with Mos Eisley in the background

The Tusken junk town with Mos Eisley in the background

Junktown was a village located on Tatooine, a sparsely populated desert planet in the Outer Rim Territories. Located on the eastern outskirts of Mos Eisley, Junktown was something of a shantytown constructed out of a variety of crude dwellings, including tents and sandstone structures. Junktown also comprised of at least one power generator, several harvesting machines, and a salon. A towering grey stone like structure also protruded from the settlement.


Junktown, also known simply as the junk town, was a small settlement located near Mos Eisley. It was a haven for the various junk dealers who sold refurbished goods to the locals. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY, Junktown was overrun by a group of Tusken Raiders, and thereafter also became known as the Tusken Village.

Around this time, a former military soldier named Purvis Arrison launched a personal war against the Tuskens in Junktown. A genetically altered Twi'lek working for the Galactic Empire helped Arrison by conducting recon in Junktown and wiping out a sizeable portion of Tusken's population.

After arriving to Mos Eisley, Han Solo referred an aspiring smuggler to a Rodian named Radeld Siwar to learns the ropes of the smuggling trade. To that end, Radeld put the spacer to work investigating the nearby Junktown, which he suspected was being used by a smuggling company called Bantha Moving and Storage to hide their activities.

Behind the scenes

Junktown was a location in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia









