Kade Genti, Master of Section Nine

Kade Genti, Master of Section Nine was an animated program featuring the titular character Kade Genti, a dashing male from the Core Worlds planet Coruscant. The show aired on entertainment feeds sometime during the childhood of the Squamatan Suralinda Javos. As a young First Order stormtrooper, Finn enjoyed reading comics based on the program that his friend FN-1971 had snuck in. In 34 ABY, Finn, who had since joined the Resistance, chose the alias of "Kade Genti" while preparing to infiltrate a party held at Coronet City on the Core Worlds planet Corellia. When the pilot Poe Dameron laughed at Finn's choice upon hearing the name, Javos, who accompanied the group, revealed that it originated from the cartoon and explained that the program had aired during her childhood. Finn recalled his experience reading the show's comics in his youth, citing it as his reason for choosing the name.

Kade Genti, Master of Section Nine was mentioned in Resistance Reborn, a 2019 novel written by Rebecca Roanhorse.

Behind the scenes

Kade Genti, Master of Section Nine was mentioned in Resistance Reborn, a 2019 novel written by Rebecca Roanhorse.






