Kai's Bad Day

Official description

Kai's bad day worsens when a simple mission goes awry.

A bad start

After being woken up by an alarm, Kai Brightstar realizes that he has overslept and quickly gets change before rushing out of his shared bedroom. He reaches the Tenoo Jedi Temple's courtyard only to discover that the other Jedi Initiates have left without him. He is contacted via holoprojector by Lys Solay, who asks where he is and reminds Brightstar that he was supposed to join the, on a trip to the lava fields of the planet Tiss'ell. Brightstar says he overslept and missed the shuttle. He laments that it is a bad start to the day.

Solay tries to reassure him the trip won't be fun but Nubs appears to be enjoying himself. Solay tells Nubs that she said that so that Brightstar won't feel bad. Brightstar puts up a happy face and says that he will train. Brightstar trains with a remote droid but gets hit in the backside by a laser bolt. Jedi Master Zia Zaldor Zanna asks Kai why he is not on the trip with the other younglings and Dee. Brightstar says he woke up late and missed the shuttle. Brightstar says his training is not going well and thinks that it is already a bad day.

Mission to Tatooine

Master Zanna comforts him by reassuring Brightstar that even she has bad days. She says that on bad days, she follows her master's advice to focus on positive things. Brightstar is unable to see anything good since he missed his shuttle and his training is not going very well. Zanna decides to give him something good to focus on by sending him on a mission to deal with a hyperspace prospector named Mycho Zala, whom she describes as a friend of the Jedi. Zala is stuck on a remote planet called Tatooine and needs a new so that he can finish his scouting job in the Outer Rim Territories. Zanna tasks Brightstar with bringing a spare capacitor to Zala and adds that Nash Durango and RJ-83 will be transporting him. Brightstar accepts the mission to Tatooine.

Brightstar helps Durango to load the capacitor aboard the Crimson Firehawk but hurts his foot in the process. Brightstar tells himself to focus on something good. Taking pity on her friend, Durango fetches a cold pack for Brightstar. The three then travel on the Firehawk to Tatooine. While descending into the desert planet, Durango remarks that there is not a lot to look at apart from sand. Brightstar grumbles about visiting a desert planet but Durango tries to reassure him that there will be something good to focus on.

Losing the package

To cheer Brightstar up, Durango allows him to take the Firehawk on a ride through a canyon. Brightstar starts to cheer up but his optimism dampens when they approach a sandstorm. Durango panics because they haven’t been in such a big sandstorm before and tells Brightstar to activate the stabilizer valves. However, he accidentally opens the cargo hatch, releasing the hyperspace capacitor meant for Zala. Durango tries to stay calm and retakes the controls, hoping to recover the capacitor.

They fly out of the sandstorm and land the ship in the desert. While scanning the desert for the lost package, they discover that a group of Jawas have recovered the capacitor and are about to load it aboard their sandcrawler. Durango and Brightstar lament the situation before traveling to the Jawas on a speeder bike. Brightstar and Durango explain their situation to the Jawas but the latter only speak Jawaese. RJ-83 attempts to help but the Jawas eye the RJ unit. Brightstar says that they want their package back. Thinking that the humans are proposing a barter, the Jawas return the capacitor but take RJ-83 aboard their sandcrawler. The two humans are unable to stop the Jawas from leaving with RJ-8 in their sandcrawler.

Rescuing RJ-83

Brightstar laments the day is getting worse but Durango encourages him to focus on getting RJ back and on something good. Brightstar says that at least they have each other and the speeder bike. The two decide to rescue RJ-83. Aboard the sandcrawler, RJ-83 is fitted with a restraining bolt by his Jawa captors. They put him on top of a green crate. Brightstar and Durango give chase to the sandcrawler. He uses the speeder bike as a springboard for jumping onto the top of the sandcrawler. After using the Force to jump to the middle of the flat roof, he hands Durango a grappling cable for her to tie to her speeder bike and climb up. The two descend down a hatch into the sandcrawler's storage compartment. Durango is mesmerized by the spare parts and droids but soon finds RJ-83. She removes the restraining bolt and liberates her droid. Before the trio can escape, Brightstar accidentally knocks over several crates, which alerts the Jawas. The Jawas charge after them but Durango manages to scare them by charging at them and screaming. However, the Jawas bring reinforcements and they chase her, Brightstar and RJ-83. Following a brief tug of war, the Jawas corner the Younglings and their droid against a chest.

Finding Mycho Zala

When Brightstar mentions Mycho Zala, the Jawa leader recognizes the name. The Jawas begin chanting Mycho Zala and the children realize that the Jawas want to take them to him. Later at Zala's encampment, the alien hyperspace prospector reassures the younglings that he will sort things out with the Jawas. After speaking to the Jawas in Jawaese, Zala explains that the Jawas thought that Durango and Brightstar wanted to trade RJ for the package they found. Durango says that she can’t believe that they thought she wanted to trade RJ. To compensate for the loss of RJ, Zala gives them a tool which cheers the Jawas up. Brightstar admits that he thought it was a bad day but focusing on good things improved the day.

Brightstar passes Zala the hyperspace capacitor he needed. A grateful Zala tells them to thank Master Zanna on his behalf. The Jawas greet the offworlders by wishing them with the word "Utini."












