Keog Boorn


Keog Boorn was an old scout who, about a year after the end of the Clone Wars, had been commissioned by the Galactic Empire that had just emerged to capture the worlds of the Sluis sector. After his sensors picked up strange signals during the second round of the swamp world of Dagobah, he followed the instructions of his contract with the Empire, which in these cases prescribed landing and further research. Deep in the swamps he came across a cave in a dark, deformed tree from which the signals seemed to come. But before he could enter the cave there was a terrible scary scream that filled Boorn with fear. Terrified, he left the planet without further research and noted in his notes (the exploration report SS-176.01) that the planet was completely empty and uninhabited. Dagobah thus remained a safe exile for Grand Master Yoda, who was sought by the Empire.




