Kissek Doran

Kissek Doran was a Human male who was the father of Wraith Squadron pilot Kell Tainer and also a freighter pilot from Alderaan. During the time around the Battle of Yavin, he joined the Tierfon Yellow Aces along with Jek Tono Porkins and Wes Janson.


In the course of a convoy ambush mission with the Yellow Aces, Doran fell victim to his fear and attempted to flee when the convoy appeared with a larger armed escort than anticipated. The commander of the Yellow Aces ordered Porkins and Janson to either herd Doran back to formation or to shoot him down, as his flight could reveal the Aces' position. Porkins and Janson attempted to bring Doran back to the formation, but were unsuccessful.

In a tragic incident, Janson was forced to open fire on Doran with his Y-wing's twin laser cannons as using his ion cannons may potentially have given away their position. His shots cracked the cockpit of Doran's craft and vented the oxygen into space. Doran was killed, though he might have survived if his scrounged flight suit hadn't been in such a poor condition.

Janson was officially cleared of wrongdoing, however Doran's family continued to blame him for the death and the perceived ruination of their family name. Doran's son, Kell, joined the New Republic Starfighter Command to clear their name and was placed in Wraith Squadron where, coincidentally, Janson served as second in command. Despite initial enmity, Kell was eventually able to reconcile with Janson and served with distinction.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia









