Kleeque-class transport

During the Galactic Civil War, many Kleeque-class vessels could be found in the hands of the Rebel Alliance. Originally designed as an inter-system ferry, Rebel Kleeque-class vessels were modified into regimental troopships.

Though they were never intended to enter space combat, they were often used to run blockades and make landings in contested territory. Echo Base on Hoth had six Kleeque-class transports on standby for evacuation in addition to their fleet of thirty GR-75 medium transports.


During the Galactic Civil War, many Kleeque-class vessels could be found in the hands of the Rebel Alliance. Originally designed as an inter-system ferry, Rebel Kleeque-class vessels were modified into regimental troopships.

Though they were never intended to enter space combat, they were often used to run blockades and make landings in contested territory. Echo Base on Hoth had six Kleeque-class transports on standby for evacuation in addition to their fleet of thirty GR-75 medium transports.

