
Biology and appearance

The Kluuzot had drab body coloring under their native red sun but their fur would almost florescent under white light. Their eyes glowed amber and were very sensitive to light. They were mammals and gave birth to live younglings.

Society and culture

Kluuzots formed extended families, and they would all assist in raising the young who were helpless for the first five years of their lives. They had an animistic religion, worshipping forest spirits.

A Kluuzot

A Kluuzot


The Kluuzot lived in a feudal society and various kingdoms waged war against each other for resources and wealth. This ended when the Empire arrived at their planet and forced the natives into slavery to work the mines set up by the Imperials. Their society was wiped out and most were put to work in minings camps. Some Kluuzot managed to escape and started a guerilla war against the Imperials.


  • Alien Encounters



