Kohta Jarik

Kohta Jarik was a Jedi Knight of the Jedi Order who was stationed at the outpost Port Haileap on the Outer Rim planet Haileap during the High Republic Era. In 230 BBY, after several ships arrived at the outpost Jarik and Jedi Master Jorinda Boffrey were not alarmed because they did not look like Nihil pirate vessels. The ships in fact were Nihil vessels and attacked the outpost. During the battle, Jarik piloted a Jedi Vector but was killed and her Vector crashed into a marblewood forest. When Jedi Knight Vernestra Rwoh visited Port Haileap shortly after the attack, she spoke with Boffrey about it and the Jedi Master told her of how she and Kohta had not been worried about the ships arrival. Boffrey then informed Rwoh of Jarik's valiant fighting during the battle despite her ultimate demise.


Kohta Jarik was a Jedi Knight of the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era. In 230 BBY, she was stationed at the outpost Port Haileap on the Outer Rim Planet Haileap alongside the Delphidian Jedi Master Jorinda Boffrey. When several ships arrived at the outpost at once, the two Jedi considered it to be unusual, but because they did not look like those associated with the Nihil pirates, Jarik and Boffrey were not concerned. The ships—which were actually Nihil vessels—then attacked the outpost. In defense of Port Haileap, the Jedi Knight piloted a Jedi Vector but was ultimately outnumbered by the Nihil forces and was killed. Jarik was one of a few casualties suffered and her Vector crashed into a marblewood forest a few kilometers from the outpost.

Vernestra Rwoh (pictured) was informed of Kohta Jarik's actions during the Nihil attack on Port Haileap.

Vernestra Rwoh (pictured) was informed of Kohta Jarik's actions during the Nihil attack on Port Haileap.

After the attack, Boffrey alerted the Galactic Republic space station Starlight Beacon of the attack and the Mirialan Jedi Knight Vernestra Rwoh and her Padawan Imri Cantaros were sent in response. As the two arrived at Port Haileap, Cantaros noticed Jarik's crashed Vector in the forest and Rwoh mentally wondered how the Nihil would have been able to take out a Jedi ship. When the Mirialan spoke with the Jedi Master about the attack, Boffrey recounted how she and Kohta had not been alarmed by the presence of the ships because they did not like the pirate's vessels. Rwoh, not recognizing Kohta's name, asked the Master who she meant, and in response Boffrey told the Mirialan the Jedi's full name and rank. The Delphidian then informed Rwoh that the Jedi Vector she had seen in the marblewood forest had been Jarik's. With a pained expression, Boffrey then noted that Jarik had fought valiantly in the battle.

Rwoh and Cantaros then learned that their friend Avon Starros had been kidnapped by the Nihil during their attack on the outpost and suggested they find out whether the pirates had carried out other attacks so they could learn where they had taken Starros. Boffrey nodded her approval at the plan, and expressed her wish she could be of more help to the two Jedi, but added that she had to stay at Port Haileap to assist in the cleanup of the outpost and then tend to the dead. The Padawan noticed the Master's voice crack when she had mentioned tending to the dead, and mentally recalled that Boffrey had lost a Jedi during the attack, Kohta Jarik, and that she was hurting because of her loss.

Personality and traits

According to Jorinda Boffrey, she and Kohta Jarik were not concerned by the arrival of multiple ships to Port Haileap at once, though they thought it was out of the ordinary. After her death, Boffrey noted to Vernestra Rwoh that Jarik had fought gallantly against the Nihil.

Skills and abilities

Kohta Jarik was trained to wield the Force and was able to pilot a Jedi Vector.

Behind the scenes

Kohta Jarik was first mentioned in the 2022 junior novel The High Republic: Mission to Disaster, written by Justina Ireland and published as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase I.







