Kor Vella mesa


Early in Corellia's history, intrepid explorers made their reputation by successfully scaling the Kor Vella mesa. The terrain was treacherous, and the area around the mesa boasted numerous predatory creatures. Those Corellians who did manage to reach the mesa found that the bleak, weather-beaten landscape actually offered great solitude. The Kor Vella mesa became a site for introspection and meditation and a small religious sect later established a monastery on the mesa. After local miners located large deposits of ore near the mesa, the religious retreat quickly grew to become one of Corellia's most respected cities.

Behind the scenes

The Kor Vella mesa first appeared in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011. Its name was revealed in the description of the city of Kor Vella that was shown to players on the screen that allowed them to choose the starting location for a new character. These description texts were removed when Mos Eisley was made the starting city for all players with the release of the "Publish 17" on May 26, 2005.


  • Suns of Fortune



