Korfo II

Korfo II was the site of a branch of Tagge Corporation. By the time between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, the company employee Sira Folsomn served as the Assistant Packaging and Fulfillment Manager of Division H14 at the Korfo II branch. At the same time, Folsomn secretly worked as a spy for the resurgent criminal syndicate Crimson Dawn and, after this was discovered by the corporation, the spy was brought before head of Tagge Corporation, Lady Domina Tagge, and her secretary, Lapin Tagge, to be interrogated on several charges. From a datapad, Lapin read off Folsomn's career with Tagge Corporation, including her position within the Korfo II branch.

Korfo II was mentioned in the current Star Wars canon in the sixteenth issue of the 2020 comic series Star Wars: Doctor Aphra. The issue was written by Alyssa Wong and published by Marvel Comics on November 17, 2021. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the astronomical object Korfo II was mentioned in the first edition of Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races, written by Troy Denning and released in 1989 as a supplement to West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.

Behind the scenes

Korfo II was mentioned in the current Star Wars canon in the sixteenth issue of the 2020 comic series Star Wars: Doctor Aphra. The issue was written by Alyssa Wong and published by Marvel Comics on November 17, 2021. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the astronomical object Korfo II was mentioned in the first edition of Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races, written by Troy Denning and released in 1989 as a supplement to West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.



