Born into the prominent Greylark family of Coruscant, Kyong Greylark was educated at the Coruscant Academy, where she learned self-defense and starship repair as well as statecraft and diplomacy. She spent most of her adult life in politics and by 392 BBY had risen to hold the office of Supreme Chancellor jointly with the avuncular Quarren Orlen Mollo, whose strengths complemented her own, and they made an effective team.
While Co-Chancellor Mollo preferred to travel the Galactic Frontier in his Longbeam-cruiser and liked to "get his hands dirty" on the ground, Greylark specialized in political maneuvering and dealmaking and chose to remain on Coruscant—capital of the Galactic Republic—making her a more formal and refined Chancellor. Greylark and Mollo chose this strategy to further their reach in a time of expansion and exploration.
During the Eiram and E'ronoh War, Chancellor Greylark sent her son, Axel, with whom she had a fractious relationship as her representative, and to maintain watch over the struggling peace talks after he was arrested on Coruscant, hoping to shape him up. Unbeknownst to Chancellor Greylark, Axel, who believed his mother had neglected their relationship in favor of her political career, was secretly affiliated with the Path of the Open Hand, a mysterious cult which was stirring up unrest to disrupt the peace talks. After peace was negotiated and a marriage was planned between the heirs of both worlds, Greylark attended the ceremony. However, Greylark enacted a plan of his to destroy Erasmus Capital City, where the ceremony was being held. After he was apprehended by Jedi Knight Gella Nattai, Greylark ordered the arrest of her son.
Greylark wished to attend the Summit on Jedha where a peace treaty between Eiram and E'ronoh would be signed, but was prevented from doing so by her security force. Greylark was given the opportunity to have her son sent to a less intense facility, but she decided that he needed to serve his full sentence. Just, then Greylark received the news that the Summit had failed and become a battle, leaving her and Mollo stunned. In the aftermath, she and Jedi Grand Master Yoda agreed to send Jedi Master Creighton Sun and Jedi Knight Aida Forte to investigate the Path at their compound on Dalna, as the cult was suspected to have started the Battle of Jedha. She eventually sent a message to inform Axel's detainment facility he was at not to transfer him, but it was intercepted by Axel's friend Binnot Ullo, a high-ranking member of the Path of the Open Hand, who altered it so that Greylark and Mollo appeared to be ordering Axel to be transferred. After Axel escaped during the transfer due to the Path, Chancellor Greylark directed his immediate recapture and imprisonment. When Axel was taken to the Path's headquarters on Dalna, the cult's leader, the Mother, compelled him to contact his mother and persuade her to come to Dalna, so that they could use her power as Supreme Chancellor to advance the aims and power of the Path.
However, Kyong recognized that she was being lured into a trap laid by the Path and, after taking counsel with Jedi Grand Master Yoda, she surprised the Mother and Axel by announcing her immediate resignation of the chancellorship and coming to Dalna as an ordinary citizen. She hoped that it would prevent them from exploiting her power and hoped Axel would see it as good will that she was prioritizing him over her political career. When she arrived the Path compound had exploded into chaos due to a battle raging between the Path and the Jedi that became known as the Night of Sorrow. She participated in the battle and helped the Jedi destroy enemy ships and fire on Path forces from above, until she eventually realized that a group she was firing at contained Axel and Jedi Nattai, who Axel had helped escape capture after turning on the Path. While helping Nattai defend the bodies of Master Sun and Jedi Forte, she was wounded by a blaster shot. However, forces from Eiram and E'ronoh arrived at the battle to support the Jedi and Eirami medics took her to treat her. She quickly made a full recovery. Although Chancellor Mollo, now sole holder of the office, asked her to reconsider her resignation, Kyong declined and assured him that he was and would be a good Supreme Chancellor without her, intending to spend more time repairing her relationship with her son as he voluntarily returned to custody to complete his sentence. She also hoped to start a school that would educate people of the galaxy and its politics and peoples at large.
Kyong Greylark first appeared in the 2022 novel The High Republic: Convergence by Zoraida Córdova. Her other appearance was in Lydia Kang's 2023 novel The High Republic: Cataclysm, a sequel to Convergence. The character was inspired by Kang's mother, who Kang dedicated the novel to and called "the original Kyong." Greylark was designed by artist MinJi Yoon, who designed the Chancellor with historical Korean clothing as a source of inspiration.