
Lege was a Valon Jedi Master who served the Jedi Order in the Outer Rim planet Valo's Jedi temple. In 231 BBY, they and other Jedi helped prepare for the world's upcoming Republic Fair. The following year, Lege was killed by Nihil marauders during an attack on Valo while trying to flee with the temple's younglings into the planet's mountains.


Lege was a Valon Jedi Master who served the Jedi Order at the Valo Temple on the Outer Rim planet Valo during the High Republic Era. In 231 BBY, as Valo's capital, Lonisa City, prepared to host the Valo Republic Fair, Lege and fellow Master Kunpar Vasivola undertook preparations for the event at the Valo Temple.

While the Valon Masters were out of the temple, the droid V-18 learned of a perimeter security breach of Valo's Crashpoint Tower communications tower. When the planet's comms became faulty shortly afterward, V-18 attempted to find Valo Temple's Jedi Masters or contact them via comm but ultimately failed. The droid instead told Jedi Padawan Ram Jomaram of the issues at Crashpoint Tower, mentioning where the rest of the world's Jedi—including Lege—were located. Ultimately, the tower's functionality was restored by Jomaram, allowing the Jedi to work with the Republic to repel a strike on the Republic Fair by Nihil marauders.

Three younglings informed Ram Jomaram (center left) of Lege's death to the Nihil.

Three younglings informed Ram Jomaram (center left) of Lege's death to the Nihil.

In 230 BBY, when Valo was attacked by the Nihil, all of the Valo Jedi temple's Masters—including Lege—hurriedly left Lonisa City and attempted to flee into the world's mountains. However, the Nihil caught the Jedi and killed all of them despite their attempts to fight back, with several being fed to a Force-eating Nameless creature—leaving only the younglings Gavi, Kildo, and Tep Tep surviving. After surviving in Valo's mountains alone for a year, the three younglings returned to the city and introduced themselves to Jomaram—who had been working as an anti-Nihil saboteur nicknamed the "Scarlet Skull"—telling him of the deaths of the Valo Temple's Jedi Masters.

Powers and abilities

As a member of the Jedi Order, Lege was a Force-sensitive individual trained to wield the Force.

Behind the scenes

Lege was mentioned in Race to Crashpoint Tower, a junior novel written by Daniel José Older as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase I that was published on June 29, 2021. Prior to its release, the Jedi's mention was included in a preview for the work printed in the junior novel A Test of Courage, published on January 5 of the same year. In the preview, Lege was specified to be conducting a routine check of Lake Lonisa; however, in the final version of Race to Crashpoint Tower, the Jedi Master instead prepared for Valo's festivities at the world's Jedi temple. On Twitter, Older confirmed that all of the Valo Temple's Jedi Masters—including Lege—perished in the Nihil attack mentioned in The High Republic: Escape from Valo, a 2024 junior novel written by himself and Alyssa Wong as part of the Star Wars: The High Republics Phase III.












