Li-Suun Niik's Criminal Organization

Li-Suun Niik's Criminal Organization was based on the banking planet of Aargau.

It was headed by the secretive Li-Suun Niik. The organization primarily dealt with electronic theft and smuggling precious metals like gold, often crossing paths with the troops of the Bank of Aargau.

Despite his group numbering only in hundreds, Niik's organization was considered the largest, if not the only, criminal group operating in the planet. He relied on loyal followers and a wide network of smugglers and mules to ferry contraband in and out of the planet. Occasionally, he would resort to hiring mercenaries when needed.

Even though the Emperor and Darth Vader knew Niik's secret of being Force-sensitive, the reason for his success, he was largely left alone to his own devices. He managed to keep the group's operations private and away from the control of the Hutts and Black Sun, despite their best efforts.
