A lightsaber duel, also known as a lightsaber clash, occurred when two or more combatants, at least one of whom was armed with a lightsaber, engaged in lightsaber combat. The Jedi and Sith were the archetypal duel combatants, though there were exceptions, such as the duel between the renegade Sith Lord Maul and the Death Watch leader Pre Vizsla for the rule of Mandalore.
Though lightsaber duels were rare during most of the Republic Era, lightsaber dueling was nevertheless taught as part of Jedi training. Examples of duels with combatants who did not use lightsabers included Finn's battle with FN-2199, who used his Z6 riot control baton to block the traitor's lightsaber blows, and Rey and Kylo Ren's battle with the Elite Praetorian Guard, where the Praetorians used various high-tech melee weapons such as vibro-voulges, electro-bisentos, Bilari electro-chain whips, and double-bladed vibro-arbir blades to counter the lightsaber attacks.
- The Art of Star Wars: Visions