Lira San Cracker

Lira San Crackers were a type of traditional Lasat snack food which consisted of thin yellow discs with uneven, perforated surfaces. The vegetarian crackers were crunchy, cheesy, and salty, providing those that ate them with large amounts of energy. Around 7 BBY, the Lasat's adopted homeworld Lasan was devastated by the Galactic Empire, causing some surviving Lasats to return to their original homeworld, Lira San. Reaching the Wild Space world required a difficult journey through a collapsed star cluster, and so they filled their ships with Lira San Crackers and other snacks to keep their energy up.

The Artiodac chef Strono Tuggs included a recipe for the crackers in his third cookbook, The Ultimate Cookbook, after taking a culinary tour of the galaxy between 34 ABY and 35 ABY. In the book, which was published in 35 ABY, Tuggs called the crackers popular and used them as an ingredient in his Sand Mynock 'n' Cheese and Chandrilan Cheese Board recipes.

Lira San Crackers were created as a recipe for the 2023 Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook, a recipe book written by Jenn Fujikawa and Marc Sumerak. The out-of-universe recipe for the crackers makes use of mild cheddar cheese and kosher salt.

Behind the scenes

Lira San Crackers were created as a recipe for the 2023 Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook, a recipe book written by Jenn Fujikawa and Marc Sumerak. The out-of-universe recipe for the crackers makes use of mild cheddar cheese and kosher salt.


  • Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook
