The Lone Scout A-2 shared a similar design with the Lone Scout-A, but incorporated an improved backup hyperdrive and an improved deep scan sensor array. However, these improvements reduced the LSA-2 cargo capacity by twenty-five metric tons
The Lone Scout A-2 was used by the Imperial Navy, the Imperial Survey Corps, and later the New Republic's Bureau of Scouting and Exploration Services
Lone Scout A-2s were dispatched by the Death Star to investigate Princess Leia Organa's claims that the main Alliance to Restore the Republic base was located on the planet Dantooine. The popularity of the Lone Scout A-2 brought it into service with the New Republic's Scout Service. The New Republic used the Lone Scout A-2 for standard exploration missions into Wild Space. The vessels were usually crewed by a pilot and specialist, but the extra space allowed the ship to perform a variety of missions.
- Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts
- Ultimate Adversaries