Lower City Apartments

Revan visited this place during a forced stay on Taris. While here, he witnessed the murder of Luugro by Calo Nord's hand as the bounty hunter claimed yet another prize. Afterwards, Revan and his companions cleansed the area of lowly gangsters and thugs who had set up several unsavory operations there.

The apartments were destroyed during the destruction of Taris.

There are also several bounties to be collected in these two areas of the Lower City, obtainable from Zax the Hutt in Javyar's Cantina. In addition, some relatively useful items can be claimed from abandoned footlockers.

Behind the scenes

There are also several bounties to be collected in these two areas of the Lower City, obtainable from Zax the Hutt in Javyar's Cantina. In addition, some relatively useful items can be claimed from abandoned footlockers.



