Luke vs. Imperial Walkers - Commander on Hoth

Plot summary

During the Battle of Hoth, Luke Skywalker leads Rogue Squadron's snowspeeders against advancing Imperial AT-AT walkers. He tells his fellow pilots to watch that crossfire before diving under the legs of an AT-AT walker. Since their armor is too strong for blasters, he tells his squadron to use their magnetic harpoons and tow cables on the legs, which might be their only chance of stopping them.

While his pilot runs circles around an AT-AT walker, gunner Wes Janson wraps the tow cables around the walker's legs. At Luke's command, Wes detaches the cable. The walker falls to the ground and explodes after a hit from rebel speeders.

Luke smiles, but his joy is cut short when fire from an AT-AT strikes his snowspeeder. Luke escapes his stricken speeder and charges under the walker. Using a grappling gun, Skywalker reaches the underbelly of the walker and cuts a hole through the hull, causing a snowtrooper to fall out. Skywalker throws bombs inside the AT-AT walker. He cuts himself down and watches in the snow as the AT-AT explodes.



