During the ensuing fight, Republic forces managed to kill the Nameless that Lycos had brought. Jedi knight Terec engaged Lycos in combat and was nearly defeated, but one of the injured Republic soldiers managed to shoot him. Terec brought Lycos before Skarabda and her new ally, Jedi Keeve Trennis. Lycos told those assembled that he had lost his eye to a rogue Trandoshan Jedi in the occlusion zone, who Trennis suspected was her presumed-dead master Sskeer.
Lycos wore a mask covering his entire face except his eyes, one of which was missing. The mask covered severe facial wounds.
Lycos was a force user, and exhibited the ability jump unnaturally high and enough strength to punch through the hull of a Vector. He also wielded plantlike vines from the sleeves of his robes. At times, he appeared to float above the ground without legs, while other times he appeared to have two humanoid legs.
Lycos first appeared in the comic The High Republic (2023) 1, written by Cavan Scott.