
M2-M5 was an engineering droid with masculine programming who served the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry, also known as Twilight Company, during the Galactic Civil War. Working aboard the CR90 corvette Thunderstrike, the droid discovered a hypermatter leak when the corvette was being pursued through the Metatessu sector in 3 ABY, explaining the matter to First Sergeant Hazram Namir and being advised to send a report about it.

On the planet Ankhural, M2-M5, who had since become acting chief of engineering, led the repair crews in making repairs to the Thunderstrike, giving them mocking comments in his instructions. As Twilight Company then attacked Imperial installations along the Rimma Trade Route, Namir delivered a report to the droid following the company's departure from the moon Obumubo. At the planet Sullust, however, the Thunderstrike was shot down trying to retrieve the ground troops and M2-M5 was destroyed protecting other personnel aboard.

Damage assessment

M2-M5 served Twilight Company during the Galactic Civil War.

M2-M5 served Twilight Company during the Galactic Civil War.

During the Galactic Civil War between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire, the droid M2-M5 served as a mechanic for the Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry, better known as Twilight Company, working aboard its CR90 corvette, the Thunderstrike. One soldier, Hazram Namir, disliked the droid for his ability to think, but was advised many times to trust him. In 3 ABY, the Thunderstrike was involved in a battle with an Imperial reconnaissance squadron in the Kontahr sector. Over three weeks later, after departing the planet Coyerti, the corvette and its escort, the Braha'tok-class gunship Apailana's Promise, were pursued by Imperial forces through the Metatessu sector.

M2-M5 discovered a hypermatter particle leak from a radiation refractor which, despite being microscopic, left a trail for the Empire to track. Lacking the equipment to repair the damage, the droid suspected that the leak had arisen from the battle in the Kontahr sector and been discovered by the Empire at Coyerti. M2-M5 further overheard chatter from the Thunderstrikes bridge, which talked of three Imperial battle groups abandoning rebel engagements to hunt Twilight Company.

When Namir, by this point a first sergeant, talked with M2-M5, the droid asked Namir of the chatter he had heard. Namir questioned why the droid was listening to comm chatter instead of working, but M2-M5 explained that it was the Thunderstrike being attacked and engine problems that were causing each other. After Namir asked what he meant, the droid used his sensors to show the presence of the leak to the first sergeant, explaining his suspicions about how it arose and first came to be tracked. Namir told him to send a full report to Captain Micha Evon about the hypermatter leak. Twilight Company raided an Imperial freighter afterward, seizing supplies in order to repair the hyperdrive damage.


When the Thunderstrike (right) was shot down, M2-M5 was destroyed while trying to protect Twilight Company personnel.

When the Thunderstrike (right) was shot down, M2-M5 was destroyed while trying to protect Twilight Company personnel.

Following the infiltration of the Thunderstrike by Imperial spies in the Elochar sector, which led to the deaths of much of the Twilight Company leadership, the company took refuge at an abandoned podracing track on the planet Ankhural. M2-M5 became the company's acting chief of engineering and led the repair teams in fixing the damaged corvette. The droid himself made repairs to the Thunderstrike from the outside, wrapped in transparent duraplast to protect his joints from dust. He gave the repair crews mocking remarks among his instructions.

Twilight Company, with Namir as the acting leader, soon began a new mission: attacking numerous Imperial installations to force redeployments from Kuat Drive Yards and weakening the yards' defenses for a final attack. During the night of the company's departure from the ocean moon Obumubo, Namir visited M2-M5, delivering a report to the droid. Around two weeks later, Twilight Company captured the Inyusu Tor mineral processing facility on the manufacturing planet Sullust. However, when the Thunderstrike attempted to retrieve the ground troops, the corvette was ambushed by a squadron of TIE/IN interceptors, which shot down the vessel. M2-M5 attempted to protect some of the company's personnel, and was destroyed when the Thunderstrike crashed.

When Twilight squads went to the Thunderstrike to rescue the surviving crew, M2-M5's parts were found scattered in the corvette's medical bay. With the droid gone, the engineer Vifra replaced him as the chief of engineering. Every member of Twilight Company lost at Sullust was eventually given a funeral after the company successfully defended the Inyusu Tor facility from a counterattack, with each being eulogized by one of the surviving personnel.


M2-M5 was an engineering droid who had masculine programming and a voice that sounded rust-like to Hazram Namir. He left a sardonic impression on the first sergeant, who did not trust machines that could think but still considered the droid to be the best mechanic in Twilight Company. M2-M5 referred to the Thunderstrike as his own, and as head of engineering, the droid blasted the repair teams with snide comments as he gave them instructions on Ankhural. He was also more tolerable than most of the repair crew to receiving reports at abnormal hours. When the Thunderstrike crashed on Sullust, M2-M5 tried to protect Twilight personnel, sacrificing himself in the process.

M2-M5's left arm was equipped with an assortment of metal picks and other tools, which could extend and retract in and out of the droid's wrist. M2-M5's hands were fitted with sensors that notably allowed the droid to detect hypermatter particle leaks. The sensor light on the droid's instruments switched from green to red to indicate such leaks. When operating outside the Thunderstrike on Ankhural, M2-M5 donned transparent duraplast to protect his joints from dust.

Behind the scenes

M2-M5 appeared in the 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, written by Alexander Freed.






