
They were said to resemble the Diathim, although they lacked the wings of the other race, with their humanoid bodies seemingly formed from molten gold. They possessed natural claws, razor-sharp teeth, and horns which contributed to their demonic appearance.

Able burrowers, Maelibi used their immense strength, speed, and claws to burrow through the dense ground rapidly, as well as create vast tunnel networks. Maelibi have powerful nonvisual senses and don't suffer poor lighting conditions, allowing them to live underground. Within these networks, the Maelibi would begin to sing, their vocal cords producing pitches specifically designed to disrupt brainwaves, instilling a hypnotic compulsion and confusion in even the strongest sentients; many claimed that their lyrical voices were said to be the embodiment of music itself, with none capable of eluding their siren call. When their prey had been drawn in close enough, the Maelibus would explosively burrow out of the ground, and then drag their screaming prey beneath the surface of the planet, eating them alive.

The skin of a Maelibus was highly durable, very strong and reflective, that it caused blaster bolts and contact with concentrated energy to reflect right off. Maelibus were also known to be able to survive the vacuum of space. This, coupled with their horns, claws, teeth, and iron-hard skin, made them formidable adversaries and the subject of legends.

Biology and appearance

They were said to resemble the Diathim, although they lacked the wings of the other race, with their humanoid bodies seemingly formed from molten gold. They possessed natural claws, razor-sharp teeth, and horns which contributed to their demonic appearance.

Able burrowers, Maelibi used their immense strength, speed, and claws to burrow through the dense ground rapidly, as well as create vast tunnel networks. Maelibi have powerful nonvisual senses and don't suffer poor lighting conditions, allowing them to live underground. Within these networks, the Maelibi would begin to sing, their vocal cords producing pitches specifically designed to disrupt brainwaves, instilling a hypnotic compulsion and confusion in even the strongest sentients; many claimed that their lyrical voices were said to be the embodiment of music itself, with none capable of eluding their siren call. When their prey had been drawn in close enough, the Maelibus would explosively burrow out of the ground, and then drag their screaming prey beneath the surface of the planet, eating them alive.

The skin of a Maelibus was highly durable, very strong and reflective, that it caused blaster bolts and contact with concentrated energy to reflect right off. Maelibus were also known to be able to survive the vacuum of space. This, coupled with their horns, claws, teeth, and iron-hard skin, made them formidable adversaries and the subject of legends.


  • Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • The Essential Atlas
