Making Episode III Webdocs

Making Episode III Webdocs was a feature on the Star Wars Hyperspace fan club website. It showcased eighteen web-based documentaries covering the production of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. The movies were available in two QuickTime sizes: 480 x 270 for Hyperspace subscribers and 320 x 180 for non-members. The webdocs were later included on the Episode III second DVD.

Archived webdocs

  • Becoming Sidious
  • Endlessly Compelling: The Music of Episode III
  • Going to the Dark Side
  • The Creatures of Episode III
  • B-107: The Life of an HD Tape
  • Ten Gallons of Buildings
  • The Wookiees Are Back!
  • Becoming Obi-Wan
  • Pick-ups & Re-shoots
  • C-3PO: His Moment to Shine
  • Behind the Curtain
  • Epic Designs for an Expanding Universe
  • Video Village
  • This Weapon Is Your Life
  • Creating General Grievous
  • We Still Do A Little Bit
  • ... One World, Two Movies
  • Two Worlds, One Movie
