

Mandallia was a planet in the Outer Rim Territories' Mandalore sector. Located within the Mandalore system, Mandallia occupied the sixth orbit around the system's star, Mandalore, between the orbits of the planets Mandalore and Bonagal. A terrestrial world circled by a single moon, Mandallia gave rise to a race of immense, muscular beings covered in green or blue scales, known as Mandallian Giants.


When the Taung warriors recast themselves as Mandalorians, and set out to conquer the worlds that surrounded their newly subjugated homeworld of Mandalore, these Mandalorian Crusaders set their sights on the neighboring Mandallia. However, the native Mandallian Giants were trained in several forms of combat from infancy, developing powerful martial skills, and when the Mandalorian Crusaders descended upon Mandallia, they were soundly repelled by its inhabitants. Such was the prowess of the Mandallians, that they earned the respect of their would-be conquerors, and were among the first to fight alongside the original Taung race as Mandalorians.

