A Herd Meet, Great Meet, or Time of Meeting occurred as the Ithorians' Herdships met once in every three years. The ships would return from across the galaxy to Ithor; their interaction and joint maneuvering was described as 'impressive' and 'beautiful.'
Around 14 BBY, Bail Prestor Organa represented the Imperial Senate in a herd meet and took Leia Organa along to see it. In 12 ABY, Leia returned as the New Republic representative with her husband, her family, her brother and other New Republic representatives of that year's Herd Meet.
- The Star Wars Sourcebook
- Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope
- The Movie Trilogy Sourcebook
- The Star Wars Sourcebook, Second Edition
- Star Wars Screen Entertainment
- Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope, Second Edition
- The Essential Guide to Characters
- Heroes & Rogues
- Star Wars Trilogy Sourcebook, Special Edition
- "Who Is That Alien?" — Star Wars Kids (1997) 8
- Alien Encounters
- The Essential Chronology
- "Starfaring Jungles" — Star Wars Gamer 4
- The New Essential Guide to Characters