
A membibi was a non-sentient four-legged insectivore native to the rocky outcroppings on the planet of Ansion.

Membibis had a low-slung snout protruding from the face with a splotchy pale white body, which ended in a long whip-like tail.

In 22 BBY, Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and her apprentice, Barriss Offee, and Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his apprentice Anakin Skywalker, encountered membibis while on a mission to the planet Ansion.

One of the membibi, while running upwind from its den to a burrow, was attacked by a carnivorous-poisonous chawix plant that was carried by the wind onto the membibi's back. The chawix used the nerve poison in its thorns to incapacitate and kill the membibi. One of the Jedi's Alwari guides wished the same fate (but expanding the number of attacking chawix to twelve, to accommodate size) for his former employer, Soergg the Hutt.

Membibi first appeared in Alan Dean Foster's The Approaching Storm, which was released on January 29, 2002. It was later mentioned in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.

Behind the scenes

Membibi first appeared in Alan Dean Foster's The Approaching Storm, which was released on January 29, 2002. It was later mentioned in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia






