A memory core, memory bank, data bank or memory log was a device, found in both computers and droids, where data was stored. Such devices contained the history of the actions undertaken on a computer. Searching the memory logs of a computer could be useful for individuals seeking information on the device's owner, such as search history to see what information they have been accessing and tracking.
The term "memory log" was first introduced in Galladinium's Fantastic Technology. It was later reused in "The Deserter", only for its episode guide to use the term "memory banks," thereby establishing "memory log" as an alternate name for a memory core.
- A Guide to the Star Wars Universe
- Galladinium's Fantastic Technology
- The Secrets of Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
- Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance: Prima's Official Strategy Guide
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords: Prima Official Game Guide
- Strongholds of Resistance