Ming Po

The Ming Po were a group of humans native to the Outer Rim planet Carlac.

Mingo Po in the Galaxy

In 20 BBY a group of Ming Po lived on Carlac in a town lead by Chieftain Pieter. The village was the target of bullying and kidnappings from the Death Watch, who had established a base on the planet. After the kidnapping of several women from the town, the two parties apparently agreed to solve the situation, but the Death Watch instead killed Pieter's granddaughter in front of him and attempted to burn the village down. The village was saved by Padawan Ahsoka Tano.

In 19 BBY a Ming Po animal trainer was a member of the Frangawl Cult ordered to oversee the sacrifice of the captive Queen Julia of Bardotta.

Behind the scenes

While the Databank indicates the Ming Po as humans, the Encyclopedia considers them a different species.







